Monday, September 7, 2009


Ok, I'm getting really bad at updating this thing on a daily basis as originally intended. Having said that, nothing super exciting has happened, so no one is really missing out. I believe I left off Friday before work. I had my mom give me a ride, and grabbed Q-doba tacos on the way in. I gorged on those and got to work. We didn't eat pizza, and I didn't realize this until I got cut around 9pm. Lisa picked me up and we went back to the crib. She and Siler were already hanging out, and a she had made dinner. Turkey and pesto meatballs with linguine in red sauce and garlic bread made from the asiago bread I made last month that had been hanging out in the freezer. The meatballs were very bready.... more like breadballs. It was a full carb meal. Jeff brought some dank over. We smoked a joint and watched the Burbs. Classic. Siler fell asleep.

When the movie was over, Siler left, and I received the call I had been waiting on. I took Nik out to pee and pick up a bag of stinky that was dropped off curbside (Thnx Lucky!!).

When I got back in, Started watching 'The Devil and Daniel Johnson'. I'd seen it a few times, Lisa had not. Of course she fell asleep. I'm pretty sure I stayed up rather late, but not sure what time I crashed. I know I took melatonin. Oh yeah, I crashed at like 4:30am.

I slept in until 12:30ish, Lisa went to eat at Spiral with her mom and grandmother. I got up and made coffee and breakfast tacos. Went to work, ate pizza. I got cut about 8pm cuz we were dead.
Lisa was at Pop's ( the cigar bar she works at) with our friend Annie and other peeps celebrating Annie's b-day. I was invited to hang out, but being in a smoky bar and not being able to drink suuuuuccccckkkks, so we just went to get more movies and non-alcoholic beverages.

We got blazed and watched Spun, and a movie called Wendy and Lucy starring Michelle Williams about a girl that is traveling to Alaska with her dog through the Pacific Northwest. Beautifully shot film, but the story went nowhere. We then watched Factotum, a movie starring Matt Dillon playing Bukowski's alter ego Hank Chinaski based on Bukowski's stories. Lots of drinking and slumming about. I got bored with it and went to bed around 2am. Had to get up early to work brunch.

Woke up Sunday morning a little after 8am, made coffee, and showed up right at 9am. It was just the chef and I today so I had to kick it in to high gear to knock out the brunch prep - making salsa for the blackened salmon, breaking down a tenderloin for eggs benedict, making jalapeno biscuits, setting up salad and pizza meez, etc. We were busier than we expected for Labor day weekend. I can honestly say also, it was the 1st Sunday I was not hungover since I was hired.... or for a really long time in general. Nice change of pace.

I had a bacon, egg, cheese biscuit sandwich, bits of watermelon, pineapple, home fries, more bacon, and another biscuit or 2 dipped in sausage gravy throughout the course of the day. We got the kitchen cleaned/wrapped up and I got a ride home from Chef since Lisa was still at work. Took the dog out, then got high. Lisa got home exhausted. We hung out and caught up for a minute before we started talking about dinner. I wanted steak. We got really high and went to Blockbuster first. Dropped off movies and picked up Animal House (Yup, Lisa's never seen that one either), and Everything is Illuminated.

We then went to Tom thumb to procure dinner provisions. Grabbed some green beans and went straight to the bargain meat section (you can find some really good deals!) and picked up a strip steak that was half off! I then saw that ribeyes were 4.99 a pound, and got a one of those instead. Also picked up some butter, cream, ice cream sandwiches for Lisa, and a pint of Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby (they still make it!!!).

We went home and I started straightening up the kitchen and prepping. I trimmed the green beans, blanched them in boiling water, then shocked them in ice water to stop the cooking. I cut the steak into two pieces and seasoned with salt and a heavy dose of pepper. I cut up a couple of Yukon Gold potatoes and boiled them in salted water, melted some garlic butter that was kicking around the fridge with some cream and minced thyme and rosemary. Then I chopped up some bacon and cooked on medium, rendering out the fat. Once cooked, remove bacon bits and place on a paper towel lined plate to sop up excess grease. Discarded fat from the pan but reserved about a tbsp. Toss blanched green beans in hot bacon fat, adding the bacon back in and season with salt and pepper. Keep warm on low heat. Strain boiled potatoes, and back to pan and smash, adding in melted garlic-butter/cream/herbs, and some grated Parmigianno Reggiano. Season with salt and pepper. Heat skillet to pretty hot, add oil and sear steaks.... about 3 minutes for each side for the desired doneness..... rare as fuck (cook longer if you're a pussy). Brush tops of steaks with remaining garlic-butter and serve. Soooo good! The ultimate in fat-kid gourmet dining.

We then took Nikolai for a walk, forgetting how rare steak affects my lower gi tract. Needless to say, it was a short walk. We turned around and rushed back home.

I sipped soda water to settle my rattled gut while Lisa bathed the animals. We then settled into the living room and put on Everything is Illuminated. We were both very high and distracted, so we switched to Animal House. I shared some of my Chubby Hubby with Lisa (I just read on the interweb that it is being renamed Hubby Hubby in support of gay marriage. AWESOME!!!). That stuff is like crack! Fudge covered peanut butter filled pretzels in vanilla malt ice cream with MORE fudge and peanut butter. Jumping Jesus on a pogo-stick!!! A true gastronomical orgasm!!

Lisa fell asleep during the movie (duh). I stayed up for a little while longer, went to bed around 2pm (no melatonin!).

Today is Labor day, restaurant is closed so I get a day off. I slept in until almost noon, woke up totally groggy from smoking so much high grade pot. I got a Dr. Pepper and have done nothing but dick around online all day. I haven't really eaten breakfast or lunch either. I have had some Guinness cheddar and some more ice cream (writing about it made me hungry for some). I was supposed to start a diet today, but I guess that is going to have to wait until tomorrow. Today is one whole week without drinking. I feel good, but different. Hard to explain.

Also I apologize for the past few posts, and the ones to come, as they all are, and will most likely in the future be, about me getting high and watching movies. I know how lame that is, but we're saving money to move into a house next month, and are trying to keep a low profile.

Just wait and see if I actually go on this diet I'm talking about. Talk about a boring blog.


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