Friday, September 11, 2009


1:30pm. Just finished destroying breakfast tacos.

What's that? Diet? I have no idea what you speak of.

When I last left off I was waiting for Lisa to get home some we could drive around to look for a place to live. She got home feeling under the weather, but i forced her out of the house to get some phone numbers. We drove around jotting down numbers and addresses of places for rent, until we got in a spat and went home. Lisa, not feeling well at all, took to the bed with a book and fell asleep almost instantly. I let her sleep because she seemed exhausted. I tidied up the kitchen and threw together a quick dinner of baked cumin chicken breast topped with melted queso fresco and served with avocado salsa. I merely chopped red onion, roma tomato, garlic, avocado, cilantro, and tossed with lime juice, salt, and pepper. Could have used jalapeno, but I was without. I normally saute the chicken for this dish, but went the healthier route of baking it in a lightly oiled pan, then topped with cheese and broiled it just to melt. Lisa woke up in time for dinner. It was very simple, yet tasty.

We then watched I Love You, Man. Awful movie.

I munched on some granola.

Woke up @ 10am yesterday. Made coffee, and took Lisa to work. Came home and started calling the numbers I had acquired the day before. Went and checked out 2 properties. The first place was a house that had a great backyard, but the inside was not what I was looking for.

The next place was a duplex that is perfect. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, hardwood floors, A GAS RANGE!!!!!!, backyard for the dog, 800 sq. ft. for only $575 a month!! I took Lisa by after work and she loved it too. Grabbed some applications and went home.

I went to work at four. Most prep was done already. I made crab cakes. All hands were on deck on a Thursday, and it started raining right as service started. We were dead. I had some pizza.It had pepperoni, jalapeno, and pineapple on it. I'm sure there were other ingredients, but I didn't notice.I just scarfed slices blindly, occasionally interrupted by the sting of hot peppers.

I was first cut, after 3 hours 45 minutes of being there. Lame.

Lisa picked me up, and we sat down and filled out the app for the duplex and walked to Kinkos with the dog, stoned.

I sat outside with Nik while Lisa faxed our application to the rental company. I got the stinkeye from a mother with her teenage son. I then realized what a flamer I looked like in my tight Gap jeans rolled up to my calves capri style, Crocs with no socks, and a bandana holding my hair back standing outside of Kinkos at 9:30pm. She probably thought I was least that's what my stoned brain told me.

Lisa finished the long process of sending a simple fax (something about putting cash on a card, and then getting your change back), and popped into Blockbuster to rent Hellboy (She'd never seen it). We went home, Lisa popped popcorn, and we started watching Cry Baby, the 1990 John Waters film starring Johnny Depp. BOOOOOORRRRRRIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!!!!! We turned it off and put on Hellboy, Lisa fell asleep. There seems to be a theme in my blog.....

I woke up this morning to receive a phone call from the rental agency. They had received the fax, but it was sent upside down.

Today's lesson - get high when you are done with your business.

I had crazy dreams (melatonin), one in particular, Lisa cheated on me with one of my friends, and I bloodied him up with a lead pipe, myself getting somewhat beaten up in the process somehow. Very unpleasant dream.

My breakfast tacos were just the opposite though. Very tasty. I was out of cheddar, so I used some aged manchego that was hanging around. I'm on my third glass of iced coffee and about get ready for work. Ugh. I don't wanna go.

Oh yeah, today is the anniversary of the WTC bombings 8 years ago. As you are paying respects to the deceased and the families of the deceased, take a moment to think about all the other catastrophic life-changing events that have occurred all over the globe (Hiroshima for instance) that have scarred people of other nations and cultures too. Just remember we are not alone in our suffering.

Thank you, Ciao!!!!


  1. A proper flaming gay man would never wear crocs.

  2. you would be the authority on all things gay Joel.
