Thursday, August 20, 2009


Yesterday I barely ate anything.

I finally got around to eating a leftover veal chop Lisa had brought home from her brother's surprise party/dinner at some place called Ferrari's in Grapevine. It had been kicking around the fridge since Saturday. It was reported by Lisa that it was stuffed with prosciutto and mozzarella, but i saw no sign of either (perhaps I had eaten the innards in a drunken, late-night, calorie foraging stupor). It was accompanied by leftover steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes. I'm sure that this meal served hot and fresh would have been outstanding. It did provide adequate sustenance to get me out of the house, but I was still hungry.

I went to work at 3pm, tired, hungover slightly, and disconnected from the kitchen seeing that I had a full 2 and a half days off. I started banging out prep, getting ready for service. I was the only line cook there until Mike, the new guy, got in at 5pm. As I had a lot to do, I didn't really get around to making the kitchen pie before service.

Yes. We eat pizza every night at work. I fucking hate pizza.

Ok. Hate is a strong word. I am sooooo tired of pizza, but we have no choice. That is what the cooks eat on shift. The only redeeming factor is that I mercilessly taunt the morons (servers) with the fact that I am downing slices in the back, and they are not allowed to eat on shift (I occasionally let them have a slice or two, I'm not that evil).

Since we are given the option of only having pizza for dinner, we try extremely hard to think outside the box to make a pie that is unique and delicious. Usually, for me, it always tastes the same. I just wash my allotted 2 slices with Dr. Pepper and get back to work. In the end, it's just fuel.

So anyway, around 6:30pm there was a break in the pop, so I made a pie. I made a modified Jim Bowie (which is our version of BBQ chicken pizza). Instead of red sauce, I used the chipotle-cumin sauce we use on the Spanish Pie. Topped it with mozzarella, BBQ chicken, red onions, fresh sliced jalapenos, and smoked cheddar. Baked it in our pizza oven, then finished it off with bacon and BBQ sauce. It was good...for a pizza. I had 2 slivers of it, and took the rest home. However, I left it out all night, so I ended up tossing it.

Aside from that, I did the usually grazing at work - a couple of grape tomatoes, some "pita bread", a bit of hummus, and the tastings of various other things around. Quality checks you know?

Here it is now Thursday, and I have 2 and 1/2 more hours until I go in. I just finished eating leftover filet (beef) and those delicious Pepin potatoes that I made Sunday night for dinner. I'm poor right now so I'm trying to survive on the odds and ends in our fridge....oh yeah, and pizza.

I will report back later on what kind of pie we make tonight...




  1. Michael likes to make pizzas at home and he's always trying new things. One time he said he was going to make a Greek pizza and he listed off all the things he was going to put on it. It sounded crazy gross to me but I didn't stop him. He did a layer of hummus as the base and then put cucumber slices, feta, spinach, and tomatoes on it. I don't remember what else. I thought the warm hummus and cooked cucumber would be way too weird, but it was so good.

    He still wants to do a pizza with eggs on it, but I haven't let him yet.

  2. Yeah, we never have extra quail eggs in the house. It would involve more planning than our pizza nights usually entail.
